Do unwanted sexual desires like porn distract you or hinder your quality of life?
A message from Mason:
If you're reading this, then you or a loved one may be dealing with the same thing that tormented me for 17 years...
Much like the picture of my wife and I above...
I looked like I had it all together on the outside...
BUT internally... I was heavily addicted to pornography and fighting unwanted sexual desires daily...
I was exposed to porn at age 10.
For the next 17 years... shame convinced me to keep it a secret from EVERYONE, including my wife.
After hitting rock bottom and approaching divorce, I BROKE.
I began to take radical action to uncover what was causing these unwanted desires I had.
I spent YEARS trying to break my habit with counseling, therapy, internet blockers, accountability apps, reading my Bible, praying more, and buying psychology books...
It felt like everything I tried led to more defeat and frustration.
During my journey, I learned ONE THING that made all the frustration worth it and changed my life forever...
My controlling urges for pornography were actually just symptoms that were created by deeper root issues that I was unaware existed.
" transformed by renewing your mind." Romans 12:2
I realized God isn't interested in behavior modification.
He's relentlessly in pursuit of your heart modification where the behaviors are born.
I scrapped all the strategies that were focused on putting a band-aid
on the symptom of sexual behavior.
I started a NEW journey of identifying the deeper root problems that were
creating my unwanted desires to cope with sexual pleasure.
This took hard work, but ultimately it saved my marriage... It saved my life.
Unchained Leader was born out of a heart to help as many people as possible
avoid the wasted time, money and frustration I experienced trying everything that didn't work.
Our guided 90-day Intensive process has helped over 4,500 clients discover their real deeper root issue and permanently break free from their controlling urges by taking the guesswork out of healing.
Yes temptation still exists in our world post healing...
But external temptation is EXTREMELY different from the controlling urges
that dwell up from the internal root issues of addiction.
I've seen thousands of lives changed and marriages saved.
All because I decided to open up and speak truth about the #1 thing I feared people would find out about me...
That decision allowed God to work through the spirit of humility and healing that Unchained Leader is founded on.
If you or a loved one is struggling, please don't hesitate to connect with us.
Make sure you register to watch the "Mini-Documentary" we have published on this page.
In Christ's Love,
A message from Mason:
If you're reading this, then you or a loved one may be dealing with the same thing that tormented me for 17 years...
Much like that picture of my wife and I above...
I looked like I had it all together on the outside...
BUT internally... I was heavily addicted to pornography and fighting unwanted sexual desires daily...
I was exposed to porn at age 10.
For the next 17 years... shame convinced me to keep it a secret from EVERYONE, including my wife.
After hitting rock bottom and approaching divorce, I BROKE.
I began taking radical action to uncover what was causing these unwanted desires I had.
I spent YEARS trying to break my habit with counseling, therapy, internet blockers, accountability apps, reading my Bible, praying more, and buying psychology books...
It felt like everything I tried led to more defeat and frustration.
During my journey, I learned ONE THING that made all the frustration worth it and changed my life forever...
My controlling urges for pornography were actually just symptoms that were created by deeper root issues that I was unaware existed.
" transformed by renewing your mind." Romans 12:2
I realized God isn't interested in behavior modification.
He's relentlessly in pursuit of your heart modification where the behaviors are born.
I scrapped all the strategies that were focused on putting a band-aid on the symptom of sexual behavior.
I started a NEW journey of identifying the deeper root problems that were creating my unwanted desires to cope with sexual pleasure.
This took hard work, but ultimately it saved my marriage... It saved my life.
Unchained Leader was born out of a heart to help as many people as possible avoid the wasted time, money and frustration I experienced trying everything that didn't work.
Our guided 90-day Intensive process has helped over 4,500 clients discover their real deeper root issue and permanently break free from their controlling urges by taking the guesswork out of healing.
Yes temptation still exists in our world post healing...
But external temptation is EXTREMELY different from the controlling urges that dwell up from the internal root issues of addiction.
I've seen thousands of lives changed and marriages saved.
All because I decided to open up and speak truth about the #1 thing I feared people would find out about me...
That decision allowed God to work through the spirit of humility and healing that Unchained Leader is founded on.
If you or a loved one is struggling, please don't hesitate to connect with us.
Make sure you register to watch the "Mini-Documentary" we have published on this page.
In Christ's Love,
Lance Baker
Leadership Team
Brad Burrell
Leadership Team
Jason Dunbar
Leadership Team
Andrew Benson
Leadership Team
Thomas Maguer
Leadership Team
Jeremy Doughty
Leadership Team
Keith Abbott
Leadership Team
Jeremiah Bussell
Leadership Team
Kenneth Green
Leadership Team
Derek Scott
Leadership Team
Danny Brown
Leadership Team
Tommy Seay
Leadership Team
John Curet
Leadership Team
Jared Griggs
Leadership Team
Lori Lohrmann
Women's Program Leader
Mason Cain
Founder and CEO
Marisa Acosta
Chief Operations Officer
Mateo Acosta
Content and Design
Julian Simhoni
Content and Design
Dan Hawkins
Support Coach
Brian Boland
Support Coach
Raymond Valdez
Support Coach
Kalin Stanislavov
Support Coach
Zack Jenkins
Support Coach
Brent Dixon
Support Coach
Fred Nelson
Support Coach
Chris White
Support Coach
Jake Friss
Support Coach
Alisson Loor
Operations Assistant
Alfonso Cisneros
Operations Assistant
"We Lift As We Climb."
Lance Baker
Leadership Team
Jason Dunbar
Leadership Team
Andrew Benson
Leadership Team
Tommy Seay
Leadership Team
Brad Burrell
Leadership Team
Keith Abbott
Leadership Team
Jeremiah Bussell
Leadership Team
Thomas Maguer
Leadership Team
Jeremy Doughty
Leadership Team
Kenneth Green
Leadership Team
Derek Scott
Leadership Team
John Curet
Leadership Team
Danny Brown
Leadership Team
Jared Griggs
Leadership Team
Lori Lohrmann
Women's Program Leader
Mason Cain
Founder and CEO
Marisa Acosta
Chief Operations Officer
Mateo Acosta
Outreach Director
Julian Simhoni
Content and Design
Dan Hawkins
Support Coach
Zack Jenkins
Support Coach
Kalin Stanislavov
Support Coach
Raymond Valdez
Support Coach
Brian Boland
Support Coach
Brent Dixon
Support Coach
Fred Nelson
Support Coach
Chris White
Support Coach
Jake Friss
Support Coach
Alisson Loor
Client Success Manager
Alfonso Cisneros
Client Success Manager
Most programs and counseling sessions will provide you with temporary solutions or surface-level symptom-centric band-aids.
Real freedom as defined in scripture requires a more invasive, more effective strategy of rebirth...
Dying to self and becoming a new creation. (2 Cor. 5:17)
At Unchained Leader, we have a guided 90-day process that has been refined over 4,500+ clients to address the root causes of your struggles and create real lasting change.
We work with you until you achieve true freedom from addiction – it’s our promise and it’s why our program is uniquely effective.
Our Program is Biblically rooted, we have and will continue to remove ourselves from the process so that God has the space to do His works in each one of us.
A true UNCHAINED Leader is born out of the ashes of the previous version of themselves.
When I was faced with the decision to drop my pride and admit I had a problem that required getting help, I felt like my entire world as I knew it was going to collapse.
Then God showed me that the very thing I REALLY wanted was for my current world to collapse...
So HE could build something brand new out of the ashes.
God didn't lead you here by coincidence.
Click the green button below and watch the video to see what God has in store for you.
In Christ's love,
Most programs and counseling sessions provide temporary solutions and surface-level symptom centric band-aids.
Real freedom as defined in scripture requires a more invasive, but more effective strategy of rebirth...
Dying to self and becoming a new creation. (2 Cor. 5:17)
At Unchained Leader, we have a guided 90-day process that has been refined over 4,500+ clients to address the root causes of your struggles and create real lasting change.
We work with you until you achieve true freedom from addiction – it’s our promise and it’s why our program is uniquely effective.
Our Program is Biblically rooted, we have and will continue to remove ourselves from the process so that God has the space to do His works in each one of us.
A true UNCHAINED Leader is born out of the ashes of the previous version of themselves.
When I was faced with the decision to drop my pride and admit I had a problem that required getting help, I felt like my entire world as I knew it was going to collapse.
Then God showed me that the very thing I REALLY wanted was for my current world to collapse...
So HE could build something brand new out of the ashes.
God didn't lead you here by coincidence.
Click the green button below and watch the video to see what God has in store for you.
In Christ's love,
UNCHAINED LEADER © Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved.
UNCHAINED LEADER © Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved.