The biggest lie that the enemy uses to keep our mouths shut in the midst of addiction and sin is... "you're the only one... no one else will understand."
This lie binds men and women in addiction and sin for years, hiding behind shame and fear. I'm here to show you that lust and sexual sin has been a tripping block the enemy has used for thousands of years, and he's using it on you too.
Just as the sun shines on the righteous and the unrighteous, so does temptation affect us all since the beginning of our existence.
Let's dive into some Biblical stories of men who had fallen to Satan's lust trap, and how you can learn from their experience to continue your own path to true freedom.
King David sees Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, bathing on a rooftop and becomes enamored with her beauty. David sends for her and sleeps with her despite the fact she's married, and she becomes pregnant with his child.
In an attempt to cover up his sin, David brings Uriah back from the battlefield and tries to get him to sleep with Bathsheba so that it appears the child is Uriah's. However, Uriah refuses to enjoy the comforts of home while his comrades are still at war.
In desperation, David arranges for Uriah to be placed in the fiercest part of the battle, where he is killed.
Despite David's repentance, there are still consequences for his actions. The child born to Bathsheba dies, and David's family is plagued by violence and dysfunction.
Samson, a Nazirite and judge of Israel, possesses great physical strength. Delilah becomes romantically involved with Samson at the command of the Philistine rulers, as they promised her a large sum of money so they could capture and subdue him.
Delilah repeatedly tries to discover the secret of Samson's strength, and eventually, Samson reveals that his strength lies in his uncut hair, a symbol of his dedication to God as a Nazirite.
In Samson's sleep, Delilah betrays Samson and calls for a barber to cut his hair. When Samson awakens, he finds that his strength has left him, and the Philistines seize him, gouge out his eyes, and imprison him.
King Solomon, known for his wisdom, wealth, and building projects, initially follows in the footsteps of his father, David, by seeking God's guidance and favor. However, as he grows older and his kingdom expands, Solomon begins to amass wealth, power, and political alliances through marriages with foreign women.
Despite God's explicit command against marrying foreign women who worshiped other gods (Deuteronomy 7:3-4), Solomon takes hundreds of wives and concubines from various nations. These marriages were "political" alliances that eventually led him astray from God. These wives introduced their own pagan gods and practices into Solomon's court, and Solomon himself starts to worship these false gods.
God becomes angry with Solomon's idolatry and as punishment for his disobedience, God declares that the kingdom will be torn away from Solomon's descendants.
Amnon, the eldest son of King David, becomes infatuated with his half-sister Tamar. He knows that he cannot legitimately pursue her, but the desire for her consumes him and only intensifies over time.
Amnon's friend Jonadab devises a deceitful plan to help Amnon satisfy his lust. He advises Amnon to pretend to be ill and ask King David to send Tamar to care for him.
Once Tamar arrives, Amnon seizes the opportunity and forcibly rapes her, disregarding her pleas and cries.
After committing this heinous act, Amnon's feelings towards Tamar quickly turn from desire to hatred. He orders her to leave, leaving Tamar devastated and traumatized by the violation she endured at the hands of her own brother.
Shechem becomes infatuated with Dinah, daughter of Jacob, and defiles her forcefully. He speaks to his father and urges him to arrange a marriage between himself and Dinah.
His father, Hamor, goes to Jacob to negotiate a marriage between Shechem and Dinah. He proposes that the two families intermarry and form alliances.
However, Jacob's sons, Simeon and Levi, are furious when they hear about Shechem's actions. They respond deceitfully, agreeing to the proposed marriage under the condition that all the men of Shechem be circumcised.
Shechem and the men of his city agree to the terms and undergo circumcision. While they are still recovering from the procedure, Simeon and Levi take advantage of the weakness and attack the city, killing all the men, including Shechem and his father Hamor.
After Judah’s son Er dies, his widow Tamar is subjected to the levirate marriage practice, but Judah’s second son Onan also dies after failing his duty.
Judah, fearing for his youngest son Shelah’s life, delays his marriage to Tamar.
Taking matters into her own hands, Tamar disguises herself as a prostitute, seduces Judah, and conceives. When Judah later condemns her for pregnancy out of wedlock, Tamar reveals his identity as the father through his pledge items.
Remember that lie I mentioned at the beginning? "you're the only one... no one else will understand..."
The enemy wants you to feel alone in this so that you don't have the courage to speak about it, because he knows that the moment you start talking about it and shedding light, his power lessens.
He wants you to be blind to the fact that you are part God's great plan, because he knows the potential you have in serving the Kingdom of God.
Breaking free from lust and sexual addiction requires digging into the root causes for these unwanted urges. You have to take radical action in order to get a radical result.
And you're not alone.
At Unchained Leader, we have helped 2,300+ men and women permanently break free from the chains of pornography and unwanted desires.
These men have blazed the trail and are lighting the way so that you can navigate the journey to freedom in as little as 90 days.
They truly believed that they would have been in the resist-fail cycle forever until they started confronting the ROOT problems, facing them with courage and humility, and dealing with them.
Everyone's journey started by first watching our Mini-Documentary: The Art Of Freedom where we break down exactly why previous attempts at freedom haven't worked and what you need to do today to start your journey to freedom.
If you're interested in learning exactly how we've been able to help thousands of others step into freedom and purpose, set aside the next 60min. to watch The Art Of Freedom.
After watching the video, you'll have the opportunity to submit an Application to our program, the 90-Days To Freedom.
The biggest lie that the enemy uses to keep our mouths shut in the midst of addiction and sin is... "you're the only one... no one else will understand."
This lie binds men and women in addiction and sin for years, hiding behind shame and fear. I'm here to show you that lust and sexual sin has been a tripping block the enemy has used for thousands of years, and he's using it on you too.
Just as the sun shines on the righteous and the unrighteous, so does temptation affect us all since the beginning of our existence.
Let's dive into some Biblical stories of men who had fallen to Satan's lust trap, and how you can learn from their experience to continue your own path to true freedom.
King David sees Bathsheba, Uriah's wife, bathing on a rooftop and becomes enamored with her beauty. David sends for her and sleeps with her despite the fact she's married, and she becomes pregnant with his child.
In an attempt to cover up his sin, David brings Uriah back from the battlefield and tries to get him to sleep with Bathsheba so that it appears the child is Uriah's. However, Uriah refuses to enjoy the comforts of home while his comrades are still at war.
In desperation, David arranges for Uriah to be placed in the fiercest part of the battle, where he is killed.
Despite David's repentance, there are still consequences for his actions. The child born to Bathsheba dies, and David's family is plagued by violence and dysfunction.
Samson, a Nazirite and judge of Israel, possesses great physical strength. Delilah becomes romantically involved with Samson at the command of the Philistine rulers, as they promised her a large sum of money so they could capture and subdue him.
Delilah repeatedly tries to discover the secret of Samson's strength, and eventually, Samson reveals that his strength lies in his uncut hair, a symbol of his dedication to God as a Nazirite.
In Samson's sleep, Delilah betrays Samson and calls for a barber to cut his hair. When Samson awakens, he finds that his strength has left him, and the Philistines seize him, gouge out his eyes, and imprison him.
King Solomon, known for his wisdom, wealth, and building projects, initially follows in the footsteps of his father, David, by seeking God's guidance and favor. However, as he grows older and his kingdom expands, Solomon begins to amass wealth, power, and political alliances through marriages with foreign women.
Despite God's explicit command against marrying foreign women who worshiped other gods (Deuteronomy 7:3-4), Solomon takes hundreds of wives and concubines from various nations. These marriages were "political" alliances that eventually led him astray from God. These wives introduced their own pagan gods and practices into Solomon's court, and Solomon himself starts to worship these false gods.
God becomes angry with Solomon's idolatry and as punishment for his disobedience, God declares that the kingdom will be torn away from Solomon's descendants.
Amnon, the eldest son of King David, becomes infatuated with his half-sister Tamar. He knows that he cannot legitimately pursue her, but the desire for her consumes him and only intensifies over time.
Amnon's friend Jonadab devises a deceitful plan to help Amnon satisfy his lust. He advises Amnon to pretend to be ill and ask King David to send Tamar to care for him.
Once Tamar arrives, Amnon seizes the opportunity and forcibly rapes her, disregarding her pleas and cries.
After committing this heinous act, Amnon's feelings towards Tamar quickly turn from desire to hatred. He orders her to leave, leaving Tamar devastated and traumatized by the violation she endured at the hands of her own brother.
Shechem becomes infatuated with Dinah, daughter of Jacob, and defiles her forcefully. He speaks to his father and urges him to arrange a marriage between himself and Dinah.
His father, Hamor, goes to Jacob to negotiate a marriage between Shechem and Dinah. He proposes that the two families intermarry and form alliances.
However, Jacob's sons, Simeon and Levi, are furious when they hear about Shechem's actions. They respond deceitfully, agreeing to the proposed marriage under the condition that all the men of Shechem be circumcised.
Shechem and the men of his city agree to the terms and undergo circumcision. While they are still recovering from the procedure, Simeon and Levi take advantage of the weakness and attack the city, killing all the men, including Shechem and his father Hamor.
After Judah’s son Er dies, his widow Tamar is subjected to the levirate marriage practice, but Judah’s second son Onan also dies after failing his duty.
Judah, fearing for his youngest son Shelah’s life, delays his marriage to Tamar.
Taking matters into her own hands, Tamar disguises herself as a prostitute, seduces Judah, and conceives. When Judah later condemns her for pregnancy out of wedlock, Tamar reveals his identity as the father through his pledge items.
Remember that lie I mentioned at the beginning? "you're the only one... no one else will understand..."
The enemy wants you to feel alone in this so that you don't have the courage to speak about it, because he knows that the moment you start talking about it and shedding light, his power lessens.
He wants you to be blind to the fact that you are part God's great plan, because he knows the potential you have in serving the Kingdom of God.
Breaking free from lust and sexual addiction requires digging into the root causes for these unwanted urges. You have to take radical action in order to get a radical result.
And you're not alone.
At Unchained Leader, we have helped 2,300+ men and women permanently break free from the chains of pornography and unwanted desires.
These men have blazed the trail and are lighting the way so that you can navigate the journey to freedom in as little as 90 days.
They truly believed that they would have been in the resist-fail cycle forever until they started confronting the ROOT problems, facing them with courage and humility, and dealing with them.
Everyone's journey started by first watching our Mini-Documentary: The Art Of Freedom where we break down exactly why previous attempts at freedom haven't worked and what you need to do today to start your journey to freedom.
If you're interested in learning exactly how we've been able to help thousands of others step into freedom and purpose, set aside the next 60min. to watch The Art Of Freedom.
After watching the video, you'll have the opportunity to submit an Application to our program, the 90-Days To Freedom.
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