In a world where distractions are abundant and easily accessible, it's crucial to recognize the various forms of addiction that can manifest, many times it doesn't look like an addiction at all.
While we acknowledge the existence of addictions like substance abuse or gambling, there's one addiction that often flies under the radar: over-consumption. This issue spans across different areas of our lives, from the way we eat and drink to how we engage with technology and indulge in materialistic desires.
First of all, you aren't alone...
Many people have over-consumption addictions...
But few realize it and even fewer do the work it takes to master themselves.
Sexual addiction is just a form of "over-consumption" addiction. Typically there are "co-addictions" of over-consumption of:
Food, Alcohol, Drugs
Social Media
TV, Netflix, Streaming
Shopping (whether in-person or online)
Partying, Traveling, Social Events
Even over-serving or volunteering!
Pornography and other consumptive behaviors become a form of self-medication, offering temporary relief from the pain and discomfort we struggle to confront. However, the consequences of these actions extend far beyond the surface, permeating into every aspect of our lives.
Consumption of porn and other things are our way of medicating pain and anxiety we don't understand by escaping with distractions.
We often aren't aware that we are subconsciously distracting ourselves from deeper emotional roots and wounds.
Many of these roots were even formed in childhood as early as age 5, but have been repressed as your brains defense.
This obviously has a number of negative impacts on your life.
Consider the trajectory you're on and where you're going if these behaviors go unchecked...
The more time you spend distracted... the less time you're investing into finances, relationships, health and fitness, the GOOD THINGS in your life.
Your life begins to deteriorate first internally, then externally.
Here's another question to consider for yourself...
Will your future look better if you let these consumptive behaviors continue to master you?
Or will it look better if you put in the hard work required to master yourself?
If you want to re-gain control and end the internal war you're fighting...
There is hope amidst the struggle. By confronting the addiction head-on and embarking on the journey of self-mastery, we can reclaim control over our lives and break free from the grip of over-consumption. It won't be easy—the path to healing is often fraught with challenges and setbacks, but the rewards far outweigh the temporary discomfort.
At Unchained Leader, we have helped 2,300+ men and women permanently break free from the chains of pornography and sexual addiction.
They truly believed that they would have been in the resist-fail cycle forever until they started confronting the ROOT problems, facing them with courage and humility, and dealing with them.
Everyone's journey started by first watching our Mini-Documentary: The Art Of Freedom where we break down exactly why previous attempts at freedom haven't worked and what you need to do today to start your journey to freedom.
If you're interested in learning exactly how we've been able to help thousands of others step into freedom and purpose, set aside the next 60min. to watch The Art Of Freedom.
After watching the video, you'll have the opportunity to submit an Application to our program, the 90-Days To Freedom.
In a world where distractions are abundant and easily accessible, it's crucial to recognize the various forms of addiction that can manifest, many times it doesn't look like an addiction at all.
While we acknowledge the existence of addictions like substance abuse or gambling, there's one addiction that often flies under the radar: over-consumption. This issue spans across different areas of our lives, from the way we eat and drink to how we engage with technology and indulge in materialistic desires.
First of all, you aren't alone...
Many people have over-consumption addictions...
But few realize it and even fewer do the work it takes to master themselves.
Sexual addiction is just a form of "over-consumption" addiction. Typically there are "co-addictions" of over-consumption of:
Food, Alcohol, Drugs
Social Media
TV, Netflix, Streaming
Shopping (whether in-person or online)
Partying, Traveling, Social Events
Even over-serving or volunteering!
Pornography and other consumptive behaviors become a form of self-medication, offering temporary relief from the pain and discomfort we struggle to confront. However, the consequences of these actions extend far beyond the surface, permeating into every aspect of our lives.
Consumption of porn and other things are our way of medicating pain and anxiety we don't understand by escaping with distractions.
We often aren't aware that we are subconsciously distracting ourselves from deeper emotional roots and wounds.
Many of these roots were even formed in childhood as early as age 5, but have been repressed as your brains defense.
This obviously has a number of negative impacts on your life.
Consider the trajectory you're on and where you're going if these behaviors go unchecked...
The more time you spend distracted... the less time you're investing into finances, relationships, health and fitness, the GOOD THINGS in your life.
Your life begins to deteriorate first internally, then externally.
Here's another question to consider for yourself...
Will your future look better if you let these consumptive behaviors continue to master you?
Or will it look better if you put in the hard work required to master yourself?
If you want to re-gain control and end the internal war you're fighting...
There is hope amidst the struggle. By confronting the addiction head-on and embarking on the journey of self-mastery, we can reclaim control over our lives and break free from the grip of over-consumption. It won't be easy—the path to healing is often fraught with challenges and setbacks, but the rewards far outweigh the temporary discomfort.
At Unchained Leader, we have helped 2,300+ men and women permanently break free from the chains of pornography and sexual addiction.
They truly believed that they would have been in the resist-fail cycle forever until they started confronting the ROOT problems, facing them with courage and humility, and dealing with them.
Everyone's journey started by first watching our Mini-Documentary: The Art Of Freedom where we break down exactly why previous attempts at freedom haven't worked and what you need to do today to start your journey to freedom.
If you're interested in learning exactly how we've been able to help thousands of others step into freedom and purpose, set aside the next 60min. to watch The Art Of Freedom.
After watching the video, you'll have the opportunity to submit an Application to our program, the 90-Days To Freedom.
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