Can You Permanently Conquer PORN and Addiction?

3,200+ Success Stories and Counting!

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"Take 60-seconds to watch a few of the case studies of people who decided to connect with me by clicking the green button below."

1) 1-Min Case Study: 1-Yr post program.

Jason Dunbar (Pastor)

Jason started struggling with porn at a young age and kept it a secret from everyone. He lived a double life as a husband, father and pastor. (He also kept the program a secret from his wife for over 3 months 😂)

2) 1-Min Case Study: Lori

Women battle addiction to porn and lust too. Lori shares how romance novels progressed into porn and how she permanently broke free inside our separate women's program.

3) 1-Min Case Study: Thomas

CEO of the 14th fastest growing company in Canada

Thomas has spent over $100k on programs in his career. This is what he said about our program for conquering porn:

4) 1-Min Case Study: Tommy Seay

Sexual abuse at age 8 spiraled into decades of porn addiction.

This is a story worth hearing:

5) 1-Min Case Study: Will & Jami Wilson

(9-months post program)

When Will joined our first call, Jami had just walked out the door for good because of an affair. Will struggled with porn for decades and cheated on his wife.

6) 1-Min Case Study: Keith & Caroline Kong

Keith tried everything... Counseling, therapy, multiple groups, multiple other programs... and nothing worked untill he enrolled.

7) 1-Min Case Study: Jeff Meisner

It's 9-Months Post program and Jeff hasn't acted out once since starting. He not only conquered porn, but also conquered anxiety by healing the ROOT issues of his symptoms.

8) 1-Min Case Study: Jeremiah

Same Sex Attraction & Gay Porn

Steming from a childhood involving sexual experimentation with cousins, Jeremiah struggled with same-sex attraction and watching gay porn:

9) 1-Min Case Study: Ronnie Baker

Olympic Athlete

Ronnie is an accomplished Olympic athlete but even an extreme level of discipline didn't help him break free from bondage to lust.

10) 1-Min Case Study: Justin

failed to QUIT several times

Justin met his fiancé while struggling with lust. After 2 years she found out about his sexual addiction and at that point he was tired of fighting because he couldn't do it by himself.

11) 1-Min Case Study: Seth

Seth battled porn, masturbation and same-sex attraction for the majority of his life.

12) 1-Min Case Study: Ephraim

Successful Business Owner

Ephraim battled a secret porn & masturbation addiction as a successful business owner. Despite success and a beautiful family, he was in a pit of depression and anxiety because of the secret life he was hiding from everyone.

13) 1-Min Case Study: Jeremy

Stepped down from Ministry

Jeremy stepped down from ministry in the UK because of the porn addiction he kept a secret since age 12.

14) 1-Min Case Study: Nick

Distracted by lust

Nick was succeeding in resisting porn, but was feeling drained and also tormented with urges to scroll instagram models which distracted him from life and left him feeling empty.

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